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zmhk 2024-06-14 人已围观

简介profession_professional       作为profession话题的专家,我对这个问题集合感到非常兴奋。我会按顺序逐一回答每个问题,并尽量提供全面而准确的信息,以便为大家带来更多的启发和思考。1.大学专业










       专业英语?Specialty English ; Specialized English ; Professional English ; English for Mechanics

       法律专业?legal profession ; LAW ; personal statement ; ZBF

       专业伦理?professional ethics

       (学校学科分类)specialized subject; special field of study; speciality; discipline:

       The department offers four specialities.







       professional是一个英文单词,意思是职业的,专业的,常被许多软件产品作为后缀,意即“专业版”,职业的;专业的connected with a job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education,有职业的;专业的having a job which needs special training and a high level of education等。

       娴熟的;训练有素的;精通业务的showing that sb is well trained and extremely skilled,职业上的;专业上的suitable or appropriate for sb working in a particular profession,职业性的;专业的;非业余的doing sth as a paid job rather than as a hobby,职业性的;专业的;非业余的done as a paid job rather than as a hobby的意思。


       1、Single Renting as a judicial organization is composed of a professional judge, the right to be tried for simple cases.(独任庭作为由职业法官一人组成的审判组织,有权对简单案件进行审判。)

       2、Body received in the office wearing jeans is a good choice, simply will be very professional with a sense of the shirt.(收身牛仔裤在办公室穿着是不错的选择,简单地搭配衬衫就会很有职业感了。)

       3、The panel did express considerable surprise at the fact that the unit did not collaborate closely with professional statisticians.(但该中心未能与专业统计人士密切合作这事实,却让该委员会表达了相当的震惊。)

       4、Whether you are a seasoned hospitality professional or just beginning to plan your career, we invite you to discover Marriott.(无论你是经验丰富的专业人才还是刚刚开始规划梦想,我们诚邀您来体验万豪!)

       5、Pug found himself looking at his wife detachedly, as he judged professional matters.(帕格发现他自己正在冷眼观察他的妻子,就象在判断职业上的事物似的。)

       6、The latest academic research of Australia shows that the rate of man to be a professional athlete influenced by the month he was born.(澳大利亚的一项最新学术研究表明,一个人出生的月份会影响其成为职业运动员的几率。)



       回答:professional 英?[pr?'fe?(?)n(?)l] 美?[pr?'fnl]

        adj. 专业的;职业的;职业性的

        n. 专业人员;职业运动员

        eg:A?professional?golfer?usually?has it?all over?an amateur.?





       Profession所指的职业是需要在文科或理科方面有一定的教育程度,具备一定理论水平的人才的职业。通常指脑力劳动。例如:the teaching profession(教书的职业),the profession ofjournalism(新闻业)。以前profession专指三种职业:法律、医药、神学,称作the learned professions(学者的职业)。而随着技术的发展和职业的细化(occupational specialization),渐渐越来越多的职业可以划归到“profession”中,如:engineers(工程师),educationalists(教育家),accountants(会计)。现在profession覆盖的范围更大了。有趣的是人们普遍认为prostitution(卖*)是人类最古老的职业(the oldest profession)。

       career(long-term or lifelong job)指长期的,甚至终身从事的职业。a career soldier(职业军人),a career politician(职业政客)。

       这两个词的区别我懂,"profession"通常用来描述一个需要经过专业训练和资格认证的领域,如医学、法律、工程、金融等;而 “occupation” 则可以用来描述任何的工作或职业。给大家总结了两个词的含义,先大概的了解一下~~

       "Occupation" 和 "profession" 都可以用来描述一个人的职业,接下来让我们看下occupation和profession的其他区别:

1. "Profession"通常用来描述一个需要经过专业训练和资格认证的领域,如医学、法律、工程、金融等。而 “occupation” 则可以用来描述任何的工作或职业。

       - He is a doctor and practices medicine, which is his profession.?


       - She works as a cashier at a grocery store, which is just an occupation.?


2. "Profession" 常常对应着高等教育或高水平的技术技能。而 "occupation" 则可以对应多种程度的技能、工作经验和职业背景。

       - He is a professional programmer with a degree in computer science.?


       - She works as a receptionist in a dental office, which doesn't require a college degree.?


3. "Profession" 通常有正式的专业组织或协会来管理和监管,以确保符合组织的特定标准。而 "occupation" 的职业通常没有这样的类型的组织或协会。

       - She is a member of the American Bar Association, which is the professional organization for lawyers in the United States.?


       - He works as a carpenter and is not part of any professional organization.?


4. "Profession"通常要遵守行业内的法律、规章和道德准则,以确保提供的服务、产品或者工作达到特定的标准。而“occupation” 则不一定有这样的严格要求。

       - Architects, attorneys, and doctors all have professional ethical codes and regulations that they must abide by.?


       - Many people work in occupations without being held to a strict code of conduct.?


5. "Profession" 通常享有更高的社会地位和薪酬,而 "occupation" 则可能有相对较低的社会地位和薪酬。

       - Lawyers and doctors are often considered to be part of the professional elite due to their level of expertise and education.?


       - People who work low-wage jobs or manual labor are often considered to have blue-collar occupations.?


6. "Profession" 通常涉及创新、研究和发展领域,而 "occupation" 可能涉及制造、运输、销售等的 daily jobs。

       - Medical researchers are professionals who are working to find new treatments and cures.?


       - People who work in customer service or retail are often employed in entry-level occupational jobs.?

